
 Brago Defriez Crux-Delmitz and King of Cruz Filios  Name: Brago Defriez Age: 19 Sex: Male Title: King of Cruz Filios/ Crux-Delmitz Race: Crel Delminian-Delmitz Powers: Arcane Magician very Proficient in the use of Ethereal magic Hair color: Snow White Eyes color: Icey Blue almost silver Noteable features: his teeth can form into fangs and he is able to suck blood if he chooses but he is NOT a vampire. Personality: Quiet seems very unconcerned with the world however it is far from the truth . very nonchalant. some times a very cold nature. Brago loves nature and animals and he has grown fond of humans as well even though he does not show it as often as he would like. Weapon of Choice: Delarcmintrin (Ancient Gloves that enhance his magical abilities)  /  Crelica Rod (A Metal Rod made from a special metal known as Crelic that Ethereal Magic can pass through. Brago can then transform the rod into what ever he see...

Character Profile: Aoto Yamura

Name: Aoto Yamura Age: 15 Occupation: Pokémon Trainer Mentor: Prof. Oak

Character Profile: Brago Defriez

 Brago Defriez Crux-Delmitz and King of Cruz Filios  Name: Brago Defriez Age: 22 Sex: Male Title: King of Cruz Filios/ Crux-Delmitz Race: Crel Delminian-Delmitz Powers: Arcane Magician very Proficient in the use of Ethereal magic Hair color: Snow White Eyes color: Icey Blue almost silver Noteable features: his teeth can form into fangs and he is able to suck blood if he chooses but he is NOT a vampire. Personality: Quiet seems very unconcerned with the world however it is far from the truth . very nonchalant. some times a very cold nature. Brago loves nature and animals and he has grown fond of humans as well even though he does not show it as often as he would like. Weapon of Choice: Delarcmintrin (Ancient Gloves that enhance his magical abilities)  /  Crelica Rod (A Metal Rod made from a special metal known as Crelic that Ethereal Magic can pass through. Brago can then transform the rod into what ever he sees f...

Character Profile Xenon Cain and Xera Kara Cain

Name: Xenon Cain Goes by (public): Cain Goes by (sister): Xeno, Xenon, Age: 23 Race: Mage Tower: The Unknown Tower Sister: Xera Kara Cain Appearance: blond hair, blue eyes, Young.

Character profile: Kayzin

Kayzin Age: unknown Species: Vampire Title: Prince of Nightmares Eye color: Crimson Red Hair color: White Appearance: looks like a kid with pale skin

Character Profile: Ashen and Misa

Ashen Age: Eternal(have been on earth for 300years) Species: Dark Angel Rank: Fallen from the Grace of God Title: Scion of the Damned Height: 5"10 Weight: 154 Eye color: Grey Hair color:Greyish Appearance: looks about 19 with pale skin Misa Age: Eternal(has been on earth for 300years) Species: Dark Angel Rank: Fallen from the Grace of God Title: Scion of the Damned Height: 5'8 Weight: 139 Eye color: Grey Hair color: Greyish Appearance: looks about 17 with pale skin

Character profile: Xeno Cain (DC universe Version)

Name: Xeno Cain Age: 18 Race: Homo Magi Sister: Xera Cain Power: Psychic and wizardry . Quote:"Magic touches all of us.... For some... it is a tool for salvation.. and for others.. it is a means to destruction. If you abuse your magic, you'll lose your way... and darkness will consume all of who you are." Rank: Arcane Fighter Looks: Blonde hair, blue eyes. Personality: Naturally curious, Ambitious, sometimes a little uncaring. Role: Antihero.